Within 48 hours someone from our team will be in touch with the next steps. You will begin with filling out our D[e]SIGN Questionnaire so we can get to know you personally as well as get a better understanding of your style.


Depending on which D[e]SIGN Service you selected, you will send us payment as well as the required information (room measurements, photos, link to Pinterest Board, etc.).


Once we receive payment and all of your required information, we will begin designing your space. Depending on which D[e]SIGN Service you selected you will receive a combination of the following in your Design Plan: Style Board, Floorplan(s), Elevation(s), Mood Board, Color Board, Selections Board, Shopping List and Design Instructions. (Want to know what all these things are, click here) Once you have the completed virtual design from SWD, you are in charge of how much or how little you do! You can purchase everything from your personalized Shopping List or one item at a time, it is entirely up to you!


If you are unsure as to which D[e]SIGN service is the right fit for your needs, email some general information about your project to and we will help you decide!